Attention Vendors, Drivers, Sponsors
Due to the fact that Brad is no longer part of our office please remove the old contacts you may have.
Current contacts are: shawanofair@gmail.com, shawanospeedway@gmail.com and
as always you may find more information at www.shawanospeedway.net or www.shawanocountyfair.net
Thank you

August 28 - September 2
thursday at the fair sponsored by JR Machine

friday at the fair sponsored by Covantage credit union

​2024 Season Passes and Parking Passes have had a price increase.
Season Pass is $25. Parking passes are sold out.​

The Fairest of the Fair Program is a non-profit program that provides the opportunity for young adults to learn more about the fair and to promote the fair in Shawano County. The winner is selected based on judging criteria set forth by the Wisconsin Fairest of the Fair Committee, such criteria include: speaking ability, enthusiasm, fair knowledge and professionalism.
Submit all forms along with a 4x6 printed photo and essay by Friday June 2nd, 2024 to:
Kerry Danley
66 16th Street
Clintonville, WI 54929
Phone: 715-250-0804
Previous Winners
1960: Helen Brunette, Queen & John Krause, King
1961: Marsha Henn, Queen & William Wendorff, King
1962: Pam Radtke, Queen & Mark Peterson, King
1963: Karen Wagner, Queen & Mark Krause, King
1964: Donna Kraeger, Queen & Dean Malueg, King
1965: Dianne Kraeger, Queen & Mark Wendorff, King
1966-1972: No recorded royalty
1973: Jane Mare Echtner
1974: Roberta Peterson
1975-1980: No recorded royalty
1981: Julie Mraz, Fair Centennial Queen
Fairest of the Fair
1982: Kathleen Jarek
1983: Teresa Tauchen (1st Runner-up at State)
1984: Teri Schultz
1985: Jennifer Erb
1986: Jennifer Erb
1987: Susan Wnek
1988: Tammy O'Neil
1989: Julie Engel
1990: Lori A. Bodart
1991: Jill Romberg
1992: Jeannine Holewinski
1993: Ann Marie Onesti
1994: Katy Lucht
1995: Theresa Luepke
1996: Jessica Wolf
1997: Rachel Wussow
1998: Rachel Wussow
1999: Hamby Alford
2000: Roxanne Schaewe
2001: Sarah Wussow
2002: Amber Swenor (2003 Wisconsin Fairest of Fair)
2003: Kelly Kolaske
2004: Megan Fuhrman
2005: Jenny Christiansen
2006: no program
2007: Suzzie Long
2008: Samantha Huss
2009: Angela Beilfuss
2010: Angie Brusky
2011: Amber Mallmann
2012: Aly Dallas
2013: Megan Welk
2014: Ashley Bergsbaken
2015: Shianna Gracyalny
2016: Taylor Przybylski
2019: Tarah Malorky
2022: Harmony Reimer
2023: Mandi McClone
2024: Lydia Rasmussen

2022 Harmony Riemer -Left
2023 Mandi McClone (L)

2016 Taylor Przybylski

2015 Shianna Gracyalny

2013 Megan Welk
2014 Ashley Bergsbaken

2012 Aly Dallas
2010 Angie Brusky

2007 Suzy Long
2009 Angie Bielfuss

2000: Roxanne Schaewe

1989 Julie Engle

1984 Teri Schultz

1963 King & Queen Mark Krause & Karen Wagner

1963 King & Queen Dean Malueg & Donna Kreager
Please help us identify these from the early 60's